Carol Rumens

Poetry & Fiction

Poetry (full length volumes)

A Strange Girl in Bright Colours (Quartet, 1974)

Unplayed Music (Secker, 1981) Poetry Book Society (PBS) Recommendation

Star Whisper (Secker, 1983) PBS Choice

Direct Dialling (Chatto, 1985)

Selected Poems (Chatto, 1987) PBS Special Commendation

The Greening of the Snow Beach (Bloodaxe, 1988) PBS Recommendation

From Berlin to Heaven (Chatto, 1989)

Thinking of Skins (Bloodaxe, 1993) PBS Special Commendation

Best China Sky (Bloodaxe 1995) PBS Recommendation

The Miracle Diet (Bloodaxe, 1998)

Holding Pattern (Blackstaff, 1999)

Hex (Bloodaxe, 2002) PBS Recommendation

Poems, 1968 - 2004 (Bloodaxe, 2004)

Blind Spots (Seren, 2008)

De Chirico's Threads (Seren, 2010)

Animal People (Seren, 2016).

My weekly blog for the Guardian newspaper online, Poem of the Week

Comments always welcome!

Book cover of Womens Work that features a poem by Carol Rumens My poem 'Women, Veiled' appears in the Anthology Women's Work.

Listen to me reading Women, Veiled


Novel, Plato Park (Chatto, 1987, Flamingo, 1988)

Short Story, Any City Death, New Writing 4 (\Vintage 1995, Ed. Byatt & Hollinghuirst)

Novel (in progress) Don’t Let’s Do It: A Campus Comedy

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